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News of Exhibition


SU-155 bought the plant for the production of ceramic tiles in Latvia...

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Sanitec and Russian Della created joint venture for the production of sanitary ware...

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OAO Stroyfarfor "has developed a new collection of ceramic tiles and ceramic granite...

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The International Building Exhibition will be held event log «Ideas For Your Home» - consulting architects for the arrangement of accommodation


On the stand

magazine «Ideas For Your Home» The best architects of Moscow will provide helpful tips for your question arranging housing: how to make a plan for a new apartment or pereplanirovat old, how to get permission for these works, as to design a unique interior, which repair work, there are rules on how to choose a contractor, what better material to use for decoration, how to arrange furniture. Those who wish to learn to prepare plans for BTI, photographs, drawings or sketches. Any sketches, thoughts and suggestions will be useful.

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