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SU-155 bought the plant for the production of ceramic tiles in Latvia...

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Sanitec and Russian Della created joint venture for the production of sanitary ware...

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OAO Stroyfarfor "has developed a new collection of ceramic tiles and ceramic granite...

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The TV under water


The modern decision - liquid crystal TVs Aquavision. Owing to the special technology applied by their manufacture, such TVs protected from negative influence of environment that allows to use them in premises with high humidity, and their screens never mist over. Besides Aquavision completed with a remote control and stereocolumns. Aquavision - full-function TVs. Wide choice of models with the screen from 10,4? Up to 23?, format 4 : 3 and 16 : 9 allows to pick up the TV for all tastes, and laconic design - harmoniously to enter it in any most exclusive interior. Not so long ago English company Aquavision declared release of TVs specially for the Russian market. The novelty will be made with the Russian-speaking menu.

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